To see, look and observe. As long as I can remember this is not my second nature, no it's truly my first. I take in the world around me to later on transform these impressions into beautiful images. Surprising, touching, tantalizing, witty - but always tasteful and layered. It is not that I consciously register everything I see and store it in my memory. Sometimes I do. For instance the heartbreaking ending of the brilliant motion picture Youth from director Paolo Sorrentino. 

But more often inspirational moments pass unnoticed. Then suddenly at work an old forgotten image pops up from the depth of my subconsciousness. Razor sharp and crystal clear. For example when I was a child my mother used to hang the laundry to dry in the attic. I loved to walk around and stick my head into this labyrinth of freshly washed sheets and towels. This vibrant reminiscence became the image for the collection of Dutch department store HEMA.

Zeitgeist + Timelessness 

Inventing images is what I love doing most. Breathing in inspiration. And to create. Time and time again. Without limitations in theme nor subject. With heart and soul I create high-end couture stories for a fashion magazine. And with the same passion I come up with the idea for a green cabbage to substitute as a globe. An accurate metaphoric image for the sustainability campaign of Albert Heijn, the largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands. Print is my first and eternal love. Besides I now am really enchanted by digital. It is with great pleasure that I unleash my imagination for moving images. And sound! After all this is an important and integral part of the concept. 

My signature as an art director is also visible in all of the media that I create as a designer. In these designs for 360°campaigns, magazines, websites and socials everything comes together - from overall concept to minor detail. Which in fact is not so minor. This approach results in robust identities on the cutting edge of Zeitgeist and timelessness.

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